A Light that Burns the Sky
Too Bright for naked Eyes
Wretched Darkness, laced with Hatred
Consuming Illumination
Their Tempestuous Duet
Raging with no Relent
Echoes through Space & Time
Finding footing in our Minds
On and on for Ages it goes
No end in sight to the Ebb and the Flow
Then, the Paths of the Humans Diverge
A Mountain to Climb & the Call of the Herd
The Crossroads offer us a Choice
To sit in Silence, or find our Voice
Precious few who See the Need
Set off Alone to Scale the Peaks
Many more Cling to their Comforts
Trading themselves for Strength in Numbers
Equally Opposed in Endless Counterbalance
Trying to find the way as we Navigate the Labyrinth
The few who Seek do surely Find
And those that Stay behind go Blind
Until the End, that Fateful Day
We all Unite and End this Game
Those Lonely few Return and proclaim to All
Of Sacred Flame and the Answered Call
Chasm and Summit, Converging as One
All are Acknowledged & No One is shunned
Total opposites, yet Equal in Measure
To Balance their Battle will Sever our Tethers
The Forces of Light & Shadow
At Last have Come Together.
More about The Poem...
Galvin Comments, 'I am not certain why these ideas have chosen me as a vessel to enter this world, but I Honor them as they come and scribe them dutifully.'
"A Light that Burns the Sky" is a thought-provoking poem that delves into the eternal struggle between light and darkness, representing the dualities of existence. The poem portrays these forces as entities in a ceaseless dance of opposition, each attempting to overpower the other, yet bound in an intricate balance that echoes through the cosmos and resonates within the human psyche.
The poet presents the duality as a tempestuous duet, illustrating the interplay between the consuming darkness, imbued with hatred, and the blinding light. This conflict extends beyond the physical realm, impacting human decisions and shaping the divergent paths we choose.
At a crucial juncture, humanity faces a crossroads, a choice between comfort and the daunting climb towards enlightenment. The poem juxtaposes the few who seek solitude and enlightenment, scaling metaphorical peaks, against the many who remain in their comfort zones, finding security in numbers. This choice defines their journey through life's labyrinth, where seekers uncover truths while others are blinded by complacency.
Ultimately, the poem envisions a convergence of these opposites, a final unity where all paths lead to a shared understanding. In this resolution, light and shadow come together, breaking the chains of their battle and heralding a new era of balance and collective awakening. The poem underscores the idea that despite their differences, these forces are equal and essential, each contributing to the greater whole.
"A Light that Burns the Sky" is a profound meditation on the human condition, the choices we make, and the perpetual interplay of opposing forces within and around us, leading to a greater understanding and unity.
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