One day my past will become a cemetery
My trauma dead beneath the damp soil
A sanctuary where my ghosts can haunt freely
Lamenting the shadows of a newly freed mind
My cries will stir the autumn leaves
A breathless sigh of aged relief
The banshee within me will stop screaming
She too will find release
And once those cemetery gates are locked -
My agony under lock and key
The darkness will no longer shadow me
And I will be free
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Kolodziej comments, 'We all have demons in our lives. One Day my past will become a cemetery is about laying rest to those demons and finally finding acceptance and the strength to be able to move on from the things that have held us back for so long. It is a powerful message that many feel they won't or can't make it out the other side when in reality we can.'
This introspective poem envisions a future where past traumas are laid to rest, symbolized by a cemetery. The narrator imagines a time when their ghosts can haunt freely, no longer burdening their mind. The imagery of autumn leaves and breathless sighs conveys a sense of aged relief, as the inner turmoil and the banshee's screams finally find release. Once the cemetery gates are locked, signifying the containment of their agony, the darkness will no longer overshadow the narrator, allowing them to achieve true freedom. The poem poignantly captures the journey towards healing and liberation from past pain.
This poem was part of Kolodziej's Poetry collection, "ALONG CAME THE DEVIL." You can purchase a copy via this link: Along Came The Devil: A Collection Of Dark Poetry And Prose eBook : Kolodziej, Rebecca: Kindle Store
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