In the belly of the beast, we find our breath
Where hardship is a home, and struggle is a birth
In Nigeria, we know the face of hard reality
A nation blessed with riches, yet cursed with poverty
We breathe in the fumes of corruption and greed
Where the air is thick with injustice, and our dreams are all we need
We gasp for hope in a sea of desperation
Where the strong survive, and the weak are left to suffocate
But still, we rise, like the sun in the east
Our resilience is our weapon, our voices our release
We speak out against the darkness, we shine a light on the pain
We demand a better tomorrow, we refuse to remain
In the face of hard realities, we find our strength
In the depths of our struggles, we discover our length
We are the sons and daughters of a nation unbroken
Our breath is our resistance, our voice is our unspoken
So let us breathe, let us speak, let us rise
For in the face of hard realities, we find our prize
A Nigeria where all can thrive, where all can live
Where our breath is our freedom, and our voice is our give.
More about The Poem...
Ibrahim comments, 'The piece is inspired by the current situation of Nigeria, the hardship and bad economy and the struggles. The poem is to create awareness to the leaders.'
This poem captures the challenging socio-economic and political situation in Nigeria. It paints a vivid picture of a nation struggling with widespread poverty and corruption despite its abundant natural resources. The poem juxtaposes the harsh realities of everyday life with the resilience and hope of the Nigerian people.
Key themes include:
- Hardship and Struggle: The poem acknowledges the daily difficulties faced by Nigerians, describing a reality where "hardship is a home" and struggle is inherent from birth.
Corruption and Injustice: It highlights the pervasive issues of corruption and injustice that suffocate the country, making survival a daunting task.
Resilience and Hope: Despite these adversities, the poem emphasizes the indomitable spirit of Nigerians, who continue to rise and fight for a better future.
Voice and Resistance: The poem celebrates the power of collective voice and resistance, portraying it as a tool to demand change and shine a light on societal issues.
Vision for the Future: Ultimately, the poem is a call to action for a Nigeria where everyone can thrive, underscoring the importance of freedom and the potential for a brighter future.
Overall, the poem is both a reflection on the current state of Nigeria and a hopeful vision for its future, emphasizing resilience, unity, and the pursuit of justice and prosperity.
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