Published on 6 June 2024 at 22:46

How have I forgotten

The ways in which I do Your work?


Is it possible I’ve fallen,

Down among the mud and dirt?


I remember when we met,

Do You still remember me?


An oath I took to make amends

Was it really just a dream?


By Your breath, I had been lifted

Will I be shunned for feeling high?


For Your work, I had felt gifted!

Must I fall now, from the sky?


By now, I must have lost my way

Do You still remember me?


I can’t remember what to say,

Am I forgotten, as I bleed?


Upon Your name, I’ve done my best

Will You return me to the light?


The world without You feels like death,

Can You bring me back to life?


I swear I didn’t mean to falter,

Can I really be redeemed?


If I build anew Your altar,

Will my sacrifice be seen?


On my own, I can do nothing

Must this really be my fate?


Without Your grace the pain is numbing

Are my grievances too great?


I seek only that I should serve,

Have You known me to deceive?


To bring Your fire down to earth,

If I ask, shall I receive?


I know You see the way I struggle,

Is this all by Your design?


Am I made now to be humble,

To serve Your will instead of mine?


I know the answers to these questions,

How could I ever have forgotten?


This work You gave me is a blessing,

But was I foolish to have sought it?


In the end I am but human,

Could You help me, once again?


This work is mine and I must do it,

Do You have more strength to lend?


I’ve been away from home so long,

Is there still a bed for me?


If I find the door again and knock

Will You still remember me?

More about The Poem...


Galvin comments, 'The words came to me as the unstoppable flow of water floods a valley at the breaking of a dam. It is a letter to the creator, a plight to be taken back into its house after so much time spent in the cold streets of our world. It's not anywhere :).' 

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