Told you I was broken,
But you still kept holding on,
You tried to fix me with liquor and love,
And the same old song.
Told you I would fold,
And that I'd let you be the strong one,
I tried to tell you with tear stained kisses,
And a loaded gun,
But your love always ricochet back to me,
No matter how many times I pulled the trigger,
This love is a dangerous weapon to wield,
And you and I know that neither of us will yield,
I gave you my heart in cold monochrome,
And you fired straight for my soul,
I'm losing control.
And now I don't know what to do,
My mind is dancing amongst the bullets,
Picking and choosing which one will hit
Just right.
And if I try to fight - I know it's over,
Because I keep falling for you.
More about The Poem...
Kolodziej comments, 'Cold Monochrome is about being in a relationship when we are unstable and we feel guilty and alone for the things that we do. it is written from a personal experience of mine.' As we delve deeper and deeper into these personal commentaries from our heartbreaker poet, we begin to see the theme of toxic love throughout her poetry. The agony of disagreement and loss compared to weapons, the use of harsh sounding consonants to sound out the harsh realities of this relationship.
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